Jules Serkin Media

Jules Serkin Media and Scoff & Quaff

Food never sounded so good

Syndicated in the USA.
Listeners from Pennsylvania to Nigeria

The Best Food & Drink Broadcasting, anywhere.

Jules has established the tastiest food and drink broadcasting radio show, now in its second decade, and broadcast on the BBC.

With her posse of food-loving listeners, the show brings together local Artisan producers, top chefs, enterprising startups and trend-setting go getters.

Combined with a social media network with a monster amount of followers, Jules unites producers with punters  and pioneers tantalising listeners, topped up with lashings of banter, good fun, music and an unerring nose for first rate Scoff.

Syndicated in the USA.
Listeners from Pennsylvania to Nigeria

Latest show

The Latest Show

Click the Big Red Play button to hear the latest show, and to see the broadcast timetable.

Be on the show!
Click to see how.

Other shows

Scoff Radio

Channel Radio

About Jules

It started
with a
Custard shortage

A local news item by Jules went National and Viral.
Local contacts were made, local campaigns launched, and then…

Then came
all the

Scoff & Quaff, all about food and drink, on Channel Radio, The BBC South East and syndicated across the USA and now globally.
Social media PR

And the Hundreds of Thousands of tweets

With influence growing Jules reaches out to nearly 70,000 Food & Drink followers, brand promoting and gossip spreading!

food & Drink nonstop from Jules

Not forgetting traditional PR skills, reaching out to consumers and decision makers with news and views.

Share Jules' magic! Be on the show

Do you want to tell the world about your food or drink? Jules is always looking for interesting and fab new foods. 
You might even get her to tweet to those 60,500 foodies directly putting you in front of the best targeted audience you could want.
Radio, Social Media, and Jule’s magic may be the best lift your marketing ever gets. Lets talk.

Please fill in the form, giving a good time for someone to call, and we will get back to you asap.

And it will be Jules or her PA who gets back. No marketing man, no call centre, just the real thing in a private call.
We don’t share your details with anyone else. Ever.

Jules Serkin Media